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Katy the founder of Shoppe 815 sitting on a picnic wearing flame socks with a tin candle lit.

We each have a story.  The story has chapters.  There are plot twists, highs, lows, lessons, and decisions along the way. 

When I started Shoppe 815, my head flooded with ideas of what this brand would be.  It's incredible to look back at my notes and see how drastically different Shoppe 815 has become from my original intention.  If Shoppe 815 was heading out to sea, it was steering for Hawaii.  Quickly it changed course and ended up in Alaska.  The weather changed, the view is different, and there's a lot of unexplored terrain.  My head is still flooded with ideas of what could be.  I'm not going to put Shoppe 815 into a box.  It will stay in the unexplored terrain and take whatever path it chooses.  

For those of you who have been my sidekicks on this seven-year journey THANK YOU!!!  It's been a helluva of a ride.  For those of you who just climbed aboard, I hope you packed accordingly because I have no clue where this adventure is going to take us!


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